Q+A: How do you get rid of urine odor in hardwood floors?

We can't live without our pets and yet sometimes, we can't live with them either. If you're dealing with pet odors and urine on your floors give us a call and we can help. From cleaning products and techniques to brand new flooring (because let's be honest, sometimes it's beyond repair) we've got you covered.
Q. During our most recent bout of humidity, we noticed an unpleasant odor in our living room. I was shampooing our rug and was able to determine where the odor was coming from: a corner of the room. In anticipation of removing the rug this fall, I pulled up a corner to see what condition the hardwood floor was in. The floor seems to be in great shape except for this corner area. I believe our cat (which we no longer have) urinated there and saturated the carpet down to the floor. The area is damp with a strong urine smell. I pulled out a part of the strapping holding the carpet down, and that strip is damp, black, and smells. Can the floor be salvaged? How can I get rid of the smell? In the interim, I tried to shampoo the area again, putting newspaper down in layers to absorb the moisture. A friend suggested “charcoal” (like what you would use in a fish tank) to absorb the moisture and odor until the carpet is ripped up.

A. Pulling out all that urine moisture is difficult because it has gone under the hardwood and soaked the subfloor and anything under that as well. So, take up the hardwood that is wet and the subfloor, too. Ventilate the room and treat the hardwood, subfloor, and the rest of the affected area with a mix of one part bleach and three parts water to kill bacteria. Make sure the odor is gone and the wood is bone-dry before replacing the floors you removed. Using deodorizers won’t work if the source of the odor remains.

Source: Boston GlobeFor additional information and helpful tips from The Carpet and Rug Institute, visit their web site here: http://www.carpet-rug.org/Carpet-for-the-Home/Cleaning-and-Maintenance.aspx
